Item Type Loan Period Daily Late Fine
Books 4 weeks 15¢ per day,
$15 max.
DVDs 1 week $1 per day,
$15 max.
CDs 2 weeks 15¢ per day,
$5 max
Magazines 2 weeks 15¢ per day,
$5 max.
Interlibrary Loan
3 weeks 25¢ per day,
$15 max.
Borrow a Book
Club packages
8 weeks $1 per day,
$15 max.
Museum Passes varies by pass $25 per day,
$75 max.
Playaway Launchpads 2 weeks $1 per day,
$15 max
Video Games 1 week $1 per day,
$15 max.
eBooks and
Audio eBooks
1 or 2 weeks no fines
Streaming Video 1 week no fines

Use these guidelines when borrowing material from the library:

  • You must present your own card to check out or renew materials. Family members cannot pick up requested items for other family members unless they present the requestor's library card or unless the requestor has previously granted permission for this and a message on the requestor's library record indicates this.
  • You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card.
  • Parents are responsible for all use of the library by minor children.
  • Any title which has a hold placed against it will have a shorter loan period.

Please reference your checkout receipt to keep track of item due dates.
You may also check your account online for due dates.

Email reminders can be sent 3 days prior to an item's due date.

*Service fee applied per item

Service Fees

  Service Fee*
Interlibrary Loan $3.00

Library by Mail


*Service fee applied per item


  • Items in the library catalog may be renewed up to 2 times as long as they are not reserved by another customer. Choose the most convenient option:
  1. By phone: 609-267-6703
  2. By logging into your account online
  3. At any library location
  • Items borrowed through Interlibrary loan may not renewed.
  • Ebooks in our Download Center may not be renewed. However, they may be re-checked out and downloaded as per availability.

Returning Items

Borrowed material can be returned to any library location. Book returns are available at each library location when libraries are closed. A community book return is also available in the entrance lobby of the Marlton Shop Rite.

Borrowed ebooks are automatically returned at the end of the checkout period.

Borrowing eBooks

Your ebook accounts are managed on a separate portal. Please note a few conventions about checking out and downloading ebooks.

  • You can have up to 10 titles checked out at any given time.
  • Items are automatically returned at the end of the lending period.
  • eBooks may not be renewed. However, upon expiration they may be borrowed and downloaded again.

Please visit our Download Center for more information.

For technical support with our digital collection, please use this form.