Location: Various Locations
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Looking for something fun to do with your family this summer? Why not plan an awesome staycation right in your backyard using the most valuable card in your wallet - your library card!  Get your creative juices flowing with travel, treasure hunting, and activity books. Want to learn how to build a...
Location: Various Locations
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
If you've traveled anywhere the past few days, you probably noticed groups of people walking around town while looking at their phones. Depending on where you live, this might not be that strange, but for many rural parts of Burlington County, this is a little odd and it is all thanks to Pokémon GO...
Location: County Library
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
3D printing may seem like the wave of the future, but the process was actually invented in 1983 and it has taken nearly 30 years to evolve to the point it is today. With printed hands, selfie figurines and even buildings, there's nothing this "new technology" can't replicate. Fuse Deposition...
Location: County Library
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Originally released on July 9, 1981 as an arcade game, Donkey Kong has since become one of Nintendo’s most popular and well-known franchises of all time. The original game actually has the player playing as Mario (then known as “Jumpman”), rather than the ape now known as Donkey Kong. This was the...
Location: County Library
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Fandom Fest is a celebration of everything geeky and fun. From comics and videogames to cosplay and manga, we're gathering everything that you're a fan of and cramming it into one day. Don't be surprised if you see some fictional characters walking around the Burlington County Library on August 6,...
Location: Bordentown, Evesham
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
In 1972, electronic engineers Gil Cecchin and Art Seymour established Elenco Electronics, Inc., which makes innovative toys and educational devices, including the award winning Snap Circuits. Designed to make learning fun, each Snap Circuit kit comes with an easy-to-use instruction manual that...
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Best known for inspiring a generation through his comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson was born on July 5, 1958 in Washington D.C. At the age of 6, he moved to Chagrin Falls, Ohio because his parents felt that a small town was the right place to raise him and his brother Thomas. Bill spent...
Location: Various Locations
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The Fourth of July holiday is a time for our nation to celebrate. After spending the day with friends and family, at barbecues or watching fireworks, you might come away with a patriotic tune stuck in your head. Ever since the United States was founded, music has been a way to celebrate our nation...
Location: Various Locations
Friday, July 1, 2016
Looking for a fun way to spend the day? Stop by the library and borrow a museum pass to board the Battleship New Jersey, one of the most decorated vessels in U.S. history. The pass is available at The County Library in Westampton, the Pinelands Library in Medford, and the Bordentown, Pemberton, and...
Location: Various Locations
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Looking for some inexpensive fun and active summer family activity ideas? Check out this list of summer activities for the whole family. Drop those controllers and cell phones, let's get outside!   HIKING It's easy and cheap! Just get out of the house and head to a local county park, like...
