Serving the needs of every library user is an important goal. We make this possible by providing access to items in our collection and resources that make it possible for those with hearing and visual impairments to use our services to the fullest potential.
Large Print Books
The library system has more than 11,000 large print titles of general interest. The largest collection of large print books is housed at the headquarters location, while smaller collections are maintained at each branch. New titles are added each month at all locations. On the computer catalog, large print titles are identified with the call number prefix "SS" for Sight Saver. In addition, titles are listed under the special subject heading "Large Type Books." Many customers who find reading regular text a challenge are also enjoying the system's collections of books on compact discs (CDs) and audiotape.
Assistive Listening Devices
The library participates in the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DDHH) program in which assistive listening devices (ALDs) are made available for checkout. ALDs are amplification systems designed specifically to help people with hearing loss to hear in a variety of difficult listening situations. The library has two types of FM systems available for loan: Personal FM System, and Wide Area FM System. Both systems allow the listener to hear a speaker without amplifying surrounding sounds. Both systems are easy to use and very portable. Other types of ALDs can be borrowed through the library’s Interlibrary Loan service.
Descriptive and Closed-Captioned Videotapes
Headquarters library provides a selection of descriptive and closed-captioned videotapes which can be checked out for one week. The sound tracks in the descriptive videos have been modified, with short descriptions of the action, scenery, costumes and facial expressions inserted in breaks in the dialogue. Closed-captioned videotapes require a decoder.
The Headquarters location and the Pemberton Branch offer a color electronic magnification system, or micro-enhancer, for enlarging print or images, even small objects. The system includes a closed circuit television camera mounted above a moveable platform, a zoom lens which magnifies from three to 60 times, and a color monitor. Visually impaired customers might use this system to view magazines, photographs, bank statements, stock market listings, telephone directories, pill bottles, and even to see better while writing.
Service Center for the New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center
The Burlington County Library is partnering with the New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center (TBBC). The TBBC provides free public library service and materials to New Jersey residents of all ages who cannot easily read standard printed materials due to a visual impairment, physical handicap or a learning disability. As a service center for the TBBC, the library will assist customers in downloading talking books for their TBBC-provided devices.
TTY Service
TTY service is available at the headquarters library. Dial (609) 267-9660, ext. 3050, for text telephone or relay.