Starting a BusinessOften it is the simplest of ideas that can take entrepreneurs off on a ground-breaking adventure. Yet before the idea can take off business leaders must make important investments and commitments of time and money. Starting a business involves thinking, planning, making financial decisions, and meeting legal and regulatory requirements. Use our recommendations to guide you along the process.

Key steps for starting your business:

Are you ready?

Get local assistance and training:

Write a business plan:

  • Business Plans Handbook:  Browse through hundreds of templates & samples from our online eBook library.
  • Small Business Reference Center:  Your comprehensive online library for starting and running a business, including basics for entrepreneurs and new owners, hundreds of business videos, guides for every US state and much more.

Register your business:

Choose a business location:

Learn about financing options:

Keep it legal

Featured sites:

  1. New Jersey Business Action Center: “One-stop” shop for information about starting and running a business in New Jersey. Goal is to help attract, retain and grow businesses in New Jersey.
  2. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a government agency committed to providing support services to small businesses across the nation.
  3. Burlington County Business Workforce and Development Government and other local resources for businesses in Burlington County