Students beginning to learn about the basics of health need to get information from resources that provide trustworthy information. This is especially true for students in elementary and middle school grades who are just beginning to find the joys of searching on Google! With millions of hits, it's easy and tempting to click on the first few search results. Our recommendations for research tools provide articles and support content that are easy to use and understand.

Health Reference Center from Facts on File

for Upper Elementary - High School

  • Overview articles in five subject areas—Body Systems, Diseases and Disorders, Drug Abuse and Addiction, Mental Health and Developmental Disorders, and Nutrition and Wellness
  • Health Centers for Teens, Women, Men, Children and Seniors—as starting point for research.
  • 585 educational videos on a wide range of health topics, more than
  • 1,100 searchable and browsable color illustrations

Health Databases from Ebscohost

for High School+

Students can do more extensive research in health topics using the Ebscohost platform. Articles from thousands of health and medical publications are available in full text.